Wednesday Links 5-22-13

You've probably heard a lot that to sell a business or a product, you have to tell a story. A large part of business is just connecting with people. Maybe they don't need you today, but you need to stay in their minds for whenever they do need you. However, storytelling is starting to become a lost art. So let's unwind a bit with someone who enjoys telling them and have a little hump day laugh.

  • Continuing with telling a good story, try writing something that people are compelled to read and share to increase your blog views and market presence. In other words, write epic shit.
  • So much of how we judge not only companies, but also what to buy, relates to slightly superficial elements. We're shallow, people, we're shallow. So play to that and look at these 70+ Wordpress Themes for Business.
  • More importantly, tailor your story to your clients. To do this effectively, get inside their heads. Analyze these 4 Personality Types to see which best fits your client or group and see if you can give a more compelling argument as to why they need you. 

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