Procrastination Tip - The Set-up

Dr. Seuss -

I am one of those people who hates finishing a task in one sitting. Despite the fact that this is the best use of my time and it gets a project out of my hair so I don't have to deal with it anymore, I almost feel incapable of doing it all at once. If I could brush my teeth in increments over the day, I'd do it. Alas, most things need to be done at least in a reasonable time frame.

That's why I created "the set-up". Most people are familiar with breaking down a large project into manageable chunks. However, it's okay for the most unmotivated of us to break it down into nano-bites that make people look at you funny. It still gets done. By breaking down tasks into such small pieces, every time I walk by them it's like tripping into the next stage or feeling like it's lame if you couldn't finish that tiny bit.

Let's take a real-world example that would be embarrassing if I hadn't been doing this for so long it feels normal now.

The Set-Up

Some people would look at a kitchen and say, "I'm gross; I need to clean the kitchen", then proceed to clean the kitchen. They are normal and they don't need this technique.

1. I look at a kitchen and analyze the problem. The dishes are so backed up that it's spread to everything and I can't function in the space anymore. Target locked. This would be enough for people to say, "let's wash some dishes." Hold up there, Speedy! No no no, that's not how we roll. Make sure you have all the stuff to wash them first, then have a sandwich. You'll need your strength.

2. Then sort out the dishes you really need to use out of the ones that are easiest to clean - path of least stenchiness. Then go watch a movie. It's okay - you did good, kid.

3. Once your movie is over and you want to make some tea, put on your kettle. You've got maybe 3 minutes before it's whistling dixie which is the appropriate amount of time to either load the dishwasher or hand-wash a drying rack full of dishes. As long as those dishes don't need a blow-torch, you're well on your way. Now grab your tea and go read.

4. When you're finished with your tea and the cup is dirty, head back to the kitchen to make another cup and put away dry dishes. Rinse. Repeat.

Procrastination Tip -

What "Normal" People Think Doesn't Make it Normal for You

For most people, this would be an exhausting process. Just get it done already! But if you apply this to the tasks that you hate so much you never accomplish them, then you're actually making a lot more headway than you might without it. This has worked on many a phone call to relatives, litterbox cleaning, and massive damage-control situations for me. It also stops you from hating yourself. I can get several things done at the same time with this as opposed to feeling like a bum by not doing it all at one time like everyone else seems to. Try it the next tax season and see how you feel after using this for a week instead of ripping through the paperwork and a bottle of wine. It can make a difference.

This is Your Takeaway

All in all, the real message is that life must go on. Whether you are adding special projects that you feel you can't accomplish or trying to maintain your daily life, find something that works for you and do it. If you get the results you want, it can't be wrong.

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