Tuesday Trivia

I'm having fun with these, so let's do another round. Fair warning: this might become a thing.

Test your money mettle.

1. If the top 25 billionaires in the US pitched in, they could pay off what percentage of the US national debt?

2. It is not legal for U.S. currency to bear the portrait of someone who is a what?
3. What are the ridges on the sides of coins are called?
4. To deter counterfeiting on newfangled, high-tech copiers, which security measure was added to $50 and $100 bills in 1990?
5. Coins and paper which must be accepted as payment for debts are known as legal:

Trivia Tuesday - Slowlygrowingbetter.blogspot.com

And now for the learning part - answers!

1. 50%
2. A known philanderer
3. Spilts or stokes.
4. Microprinting
5. Recourse.

Do you feel any smarter? No, I don't either. I think trivia is really interesting, but feel a bit dumber after I couldn't answer anything and won't remember it. But it's still fun!

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