Let's play another Trivia Tuesday, shall we?
Test your money mettle.
1. When economists use the term ''debasement,'' they refer to what?
2. All paper money has imprinted on its face an initial and a
letter that indicates its ''birthplace.'' Which historic city can claim
bragging rights to number ''1,'' letter ''A''?
3. Most
of the currency, or currency-related paper, in circulation in the United States
is in the form of what?
4. If you have what's colloquially referred to as a ''C-note,''
you sing for your ____.
5. Who makes the final decision as to whose portrait appears on
our currency?
And now for the answers. Again, I didn't come close on any of these. Maybe you can lord over me with your giant brain. If not, come join me at the kid's table!
1. The
reduction in coins' precious metals.
2. Boston
3. Federal
Reserve notes
4. Supper
5. The Vice President
Did you get any right? I sure as hell didn't, but maybe I'll remember these for the next party where I have to impress people.
Source: Bankrate.com
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