Trivia Tuesday

Does it like games, Precious? Does it? Does it like to play?

Test your money mettle.

  1. Pennies are made up of only 2.5 percent copper. Which other metal makes up the bulk?
  2. The Massachusetts Bay Colony issues the first paper money in the Americas in what year?
  3. What's the average life span of a dollar bill?
  4. In addition to the Treasurer of the United States, who else has his or her signature appearing on U.S.    currency?
  5. Who was the only woman whose portrait ever appeared on U.S. paper money -- a silver certificate, specifically?

Trivia Tuesday -

And now for the answers. For any you get right, give yourself a gold star or a purple ribbon or whatever it is that really gets you hot about being right. Maybe it's just validation. So here: You were right! Aren't you just smarter than Einstein and better looking than a really good looking person. Go you.

  1. Bronze
  2. 1660
  3. 6 months
  4. The President
  5. Mary Lincoln

Did you get any right? I sure as hell didn't, but maybe I'll remember these for the next party where I have to impress people.


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